They will breed with domestic dogs such as the German Shepard. The result is known as the coydog. The coyotes traits are almost always dominant and this can be clearly seen in the coydogs behavior. It is suspected that the larger size of northern coyotes results in part from breeding with domestic dogs. The denning season is between February and June with the female producing anywhere from one to six pups. The coyote is extremely intelligent and adaptable and thus known as the cunning trickster. Outside of the major cities, the coyote thrives, especially around land fills, garbage dumps or wherever humans live. Although there are few recorded instances of coyotes attacking humans, they have been known to threaten small children. The coyote communicates by howling. If you are using a predator call and the coyotes start howling, it usually means they are aware of your presence. Unless you have a coyote howler, you may as well find a new area to hunt.